Student Council
William Henry Harrison High School Student Council
The Student Council's mission is to create a more perfect link between the student and the administration, the student and the faculty, the student and the community, and the students themselves.
Constitution of the
Student Council of
William Henry Harrison High School
Article I Composition of the Student Council
1. One Student Council President or two Student Council Co-Presidents.
2. One Student Council Vice-president
3. One Student Council Secretary/Treasurer
4. Four Senior Class Representatives
5. Three Senior Class Officers, including one president, one vice-resident, and one secretary/treasurer
6. Four Junior Class Representatives
7. Three Junior Class Officers, including one president, one vice-president, and one secretary/treasurer
8. Four Sophomore Class Representatives
9. Three Sophomore Class Officers, including one president, one vice-president and one secretary/treasurer
10. Six Freshman Class Representatives, two from each middle school
11. "At Large" Representatives *See Article 9 Section 3
12. One or more adult sponsors
Article II Class Officers
2. Junior Class a) President, Vice-president, Secretary/Treasurer
The main responsibility of the junior class officers is to raise money for their own prom.
3. Senior class a) President, Vice-president, Secretary/Treasurer
The senior class officers also have significant responsibilities. They are responsible for organizing and running their prom. They are also responsible for planning class reunions.
It is a Harrison tradition that the parents of the senior class officers organize the planning and hosting the after prom party. Prospective officers must make sure their parents are willing to undertake this role before running for office!
Article III Responsibilities and Powers of the Members
Section I: Student Council President a. Presides over all meetings of the Council b. May call meetings when necessary c. Appoints committees when necessary d. Works on committees when necessary e. Breaks tie votes when necessary f. Has regular proposal privileges Section 2: Student Council Vice President a. Assumes the responsibilities of the president in the absence of the president b. Assists the president in the affairs of the president c. Heads the House of Representatives d. Has regular voting and proposal privileges e. Coordinates committees f. Responsible for maintaining the attendance records Section 3: Student Council Secretary/Treasurer a. Records the proceedings of each meeting b. Performs all necessary Council correspondence c. Reports on financial status of the Council d. Works on committees when appointed e. Has regular voting and proposal privileges f. Has the responsibility of setting up a telephone tree Section 4: Class Representatives a. Each actively seeks and reports the opinion of his classmates b. Each reports to their classmates pertinent Council information c. Each works on committees when appointed d. Each has regular voting on proposal privileges Section 5: Sponsor(s) a. May call meetings when necessary b. Represents the administration and the faculty c. Has regular proposal privileges d. Approves candidacy petitions e. Determines the validity of excused absences
Article IV Proposing
Article V Voting
Article VI Attendance
a) Council members must attend ALL Council sponsored meetings or activities unless excused, or will be given an unexcused absence per infraction.
Section 2: Excused Absences
Section 3: Rights
a) A member with two unexcused absences must have written notification by the Student Council secretary/treasurer. If written notification is not presented then the absences will be considered void.
b) After you have received a written warning, if you accumulate a third unexcused absence, you will be removed from the Council. No vote will take place.
c) Attendance for meetings will be tallied with the meeting attendance.
Section 4: Tardies
a) A tardy is defined as a situation in which a student arrives after the call to order, but less than five minutes late. If a student arrives after five minutes of the call to order, that student will be issued an unexcused absence. Three tardies equal one unexcused absence.
Article VII Resignation of members
Any member of the Council may resign if they wish to do so.
Article VII Candidacy Qualification for Members
Article IX Election of Members
Section 1: Member Elections a) Elections for 10-12 Student Council positions will be held during the last quarter. All ties are broken by run off elections the following school day. All students running for a student council position should check the ballot prior to election day. Any errors on the ballot must be reported to a student council officer or advisor immediately. If errors persist on the ballot, the involved student(s) will suffer the consequences of any unintended results. However no student can be elected to a position for which the student was not eligible. b) The election of freshman representatives is the responsibility of each middle school. Prior to freshman elections an officer from Student Council will visit each middle school. Section 2: Student Council Officers a) Student Council officers will be chosen by the sponsor(s), administrators, and current Student Council officers. This is based on a personal interview, an application, and an essay. b) The Student Council officers must be members of the junior or senior class, and have participated in the council for at least one year. Section 3: Class Officers and Representatives a) The winning candidates are the candidates who receive the most popular votes from their respective classmates. Section 4: At Large Membership a) The number of At-Large Council member will vary from year to year depending on the number of students applying for these positions, and their qualifications. b) At large memberships are available only to those students who ran for class office, or for Student Council Representatives, and were not elected. c) Those seeking an at large membership must compose an essay stating why they would be an asset to the student council. The essay must be given to the student council sponsor within one week after the election. d) The student council sponsor will make copies of the essays without the students' names and give them to the newly elected Student Council officers. The officers will review the essays and select an undetermined amount of students for council memberships.
Article X Amending the Constitution
Article XI Approving the Constitution
This constitution goes into effect only after a 2/3 vote by the council.