Tippecanoe School Corporation

Updated 8.29.2024

HHS Attendance        

Please, be sure to follow TSC communications regarding attendance, illness, and school safety measures until further notice.

Attendance matters:  Students need to be at school every day and be on time for school every day.  Students may not have more than 9 unexcused absences from a class in a semester.

Please be aware that Parent/Guardian reported absences are considered Unexcused Absences.  Absences are not considered Excused until the school has received a medical note.

If at all possible, schedule students’ appointments outside of school hours.

Absences: Please use this Attendance Form to report your student’s absences.  

Please complete the Attendance Form at least an hour ahead and note the time to leave school (not appointment time).  

Please promptly turn in any medical notes to Brittany Miller bnmiller@tsc.k12.in.us

Unless being sent home by the nurse, students must always sign in and out at the attendance office during school hours. Parents do not need to come into the building to sign students in/out if we have received notice on the Attendance Form or a handwritten parent note.

Check PowerSchool often for absences. Report errors to the teacher and/or attendance office immediately. 

Visit the Harrison High School Website (https://hhs.tsc.k12.in.us) for the HHS Student Handbook for more information about attendance. In the event there is a discrepancy between this document and the HHS Student Handbook, the HHS Student Handbook is the prevailing document.

If you have questions, please call (765) 463-3511, Extension 4019